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City archives - Stadtarchiv http://www.dachau.de
8/21/06 Ms. Kaczmar, I have recently discovered your very impressive website as part of my search for information about the DP camp at Dachau and in particular an UNRRA team that was stationed there as the camp was being established in May of 1945.
I am co-authoring a memoir with a Holocaust Survivor who, following liberation during a Death March in the vicinity of Bad Nauheim, joined up with an UNRRA team based there and shortly thereafter accompanied them to their new assignment at Dachau, where he served as a driver and general assistant for several months. We are seeking to locate the number of this UNRRA team and the name of its leader, a British woman. She was extraordinarily kind to him and was instrumental in helping him recover from 4 years of deprivation. With her assistance, he was able to avoid being assigned to a DP camp himself. Yet, with the passage of time, he can no longer remember her name, those of other team members or the Team #.
In addition to our continuing efforts to locate this information from various sources, including the UNRRA archives in New York and the Gedenkstatte and Museum at Dachau, I wonder if you have any knowledge or resources that could be of help? Thank you for any assistance, and for your extraordinary efforts to document DP camp history. Daniel Kadden, Ph.D, Olympia, WA, email:dkadden@comcast.net
UNRRA Team 546 Director was A.H. Sutton
See: http://www.crommelin.org
Regards, Miff Crommelin
Dannenberg In Dannenberg also was a DP camp at least from June to September 1947 with the DPACS number 89 or 89/2510, possibly already before these dates. I have not found a name for this camp in the British National Archives, so perhaps it was a second Oxford camp. Kind regards, Wolfgang Strobel, author of Post der befreiten Zwangsarbeiter - Displaced Persons Mail Paid in Deutschland 1945 - 1949.
Darmstadt - Darmstadt today
State archive: http://www.stad.hessen.de/ City archive: Stadtarchiv
Address: Schloss, D-64283 Darmstadt
von Hahn, W. (1968) Darmstädter Familiennamen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts.
Amsterdam: Swets and Zeitlinger (Giessener Beiträge zur deutschen Philologie
Grossherzoglich Hessisches Haus- und Familienarchiv Darmstadt (see state archives)
Zentralarchiv der Evangelischen
Kirche in Hessen und Nassau (ev.)
Address: Ahastr. 5a, D-64285 Darmstadt, Tel. (06151) 663428
Bestand: u.a. Kirchenbücher, Militärkirchenbücher
Prätorius, O. (1939) Kirchenbücher und Standesregister im Land Hessen.
Evangelische Kirche in
Hessen und Nassau
Paulusplatz 1
64285 Darmstadt
Phone: (06151) 405-0
Fax: (06151) 405-440
Zofia Schurik and her
husband, Stefan Schurig, were residents at 61 Darmstadt, Beckstr 76, however
moved to 64347 Griesheim, Lichtenbergweg 10 in 1983. If
anyone has any information about this, please write Mark Norek events@lifesanadventure.com.au
10/9/09 Dear Olga,
I am looking for names and information on the students of the Professional Betar
School in Darmstadt that existed from 1947-48. The director was Samuel MIlek
Batalion and the Betar Instructor was Moshe Mordchelewitz. Most of the students
made Aliya to Israel and some stayed in Germany.
My website with all the pictures of the students is: www.batalion.net/BetarSchool
Thanks, Lea Dror-Batalion ldror@batalion.net
Dassel (British zone)
Datteln (British zone)
Davensberg (British zone)
Dedelsdorf / Dedelstorf, #242, Land Niedersachsen (British zone), Balts
Dear Olga,I have spent the last few days reading "DP's Europe's Displaced Persons, 1945-1951" by Mark Wyman, "Walking Since Daybreak" by Modris Eksteins and also "A Woman in Amber" by Agate Nesaule. Quite enlightening and sometimes quite painful, though I don't know why. The memory of those times is imprinted on my heart but very lightly in my memory! My sympathy, especially, for Agate Nesaule is quite profound, almost as if I have had similar experiences to hers. Hans Simons / Australia Degerloch, Poles, Jews
I noticed, by the way, that you have no mention of a camp at Degerloch, a southern (then) suburb of Stuttgart. My recollection of it was that it was a street of weekenders, and in 1946 was occupied by an overflow of Russian Jews from Cannstadt. When my mother joined the Polish Red Cross, we were quartered there for about six months. The fact that I was a Goim didn't matter. Some of the older people - I was fourteen - took me in hand, taught me carpentry and Yiddish - both of which came in handy once I got to Australia. I have an idea that the camp shut down in Autumn 1946, about the time we moved back to Ludwigsburg. What became of the inmates I don't know.
Hope these odd recollections help! Cheers, George
Carrington Deggendorf, Jews, Russians City archives- Stadtarchiv
Stadtarchiv Deggendorf
östlicher Stadtgraben 28,
94469 Deggendorf,
Tel.: 0991/31804
Tel.: 0991/31804
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Archives Record Group: PAG 4 Box 5-13: District 3: Deggendorf
"Serving as a transit station for 700 refugees awaiting passage to Palestine, the Deggendorf Jewish Community DP Camp No. 7 was established on February 20, 1945, in Bavaria at the site of a former Nazi concentration camp. Camp money is believed to have been introducd in 1945." From Displaced Persons Camp Money by Frank Passic and Steven A. Feller.
06 Aug 2003 From: Georg Haberl
Dear Mrs. Olga Kaczmar,
I visited your website about DP camps 1945 - 1949 in Germany. I'm interested in the Camp 7 - Deggendorf with the outside camps Mietraching and Mainkofen-Natternberg, near Deggendorf. The cause: I'm born 1934 in Degggendorf and research all about the fights of the US-Units in my home-area April/May 1945 and also the following occupation-time. Therefore I'm also interested in all informations, reports, documents and photos about this camp 7 - Deggendorf.
Can you help to whom I should write with my requests? Have you the address of the United Nations relief and Rehabilitation Administration Archives? (See address page for UN archives)
Please excuse, but I must correct some informations about the camp:
It was not established on Febr. 20.1945. Deggendorf was conquered by the 26th YD-Div. at April 27.1945. So the camp must be established May/June 1945!? The camp was not a former Nazi concentrations camp. All the buildings were built 1863 as a hospital. From the beginning of the years 1930... it were used as barracks from the German Wehrmacht (Army), special as military-school for "Unteroffiziere" until the end of war.
I'm very interested in your reply and I hope you can help with my researches. And please excuse my faults in your language. Sincerely Georg Haberl / Germany.
Dear Olga,
Hello, my name is Leslie Rosenbush. According to several members of my family, my father was interred at Deggendorf D.P.
camp post WW II. Would you know where I can turn for a camp list perhaps divulging
more information about my father who spoke so little of his wartime experiences
in the camps, understandably traumatized by his enslavement and murder of his
family. Any help in this direction would be most appreciated. He was in the following
camps as well: Budzin, Mielece, Vielicke, Majdanek, Flossenburg and freed by
the Russian army at Theresintadt. Do any records or lists survive which may document
these interment s either by the Germans or Russians? Where may I turn to? Thank
you in advance for whatever help or sources you can provide in my search.p.s.
have you heard of a place called "skrent" relating to d.p. interment? Thanx rozebush.
Olga's reply: Budzin, Mielece, Vielicke, Majdanek are in Poland.
Majdanek concentration camp:
Delmenhorst German site, #222, (British, Lower Saxony; Niedersachsen); mostly Balts, Poles,
City archives: Stadtarchiv Delmenhorst, Rathaus
27747 Delmenhorst
Tel: (49) 4221-992014
Fax: (49) 4221-991170
Sumitted by: Wolfgang Strobel, author of Post der befreiten Zwangsarbeiter - Displaced Persons Mail Paid in Deutschland 1945 - 1949.
Yours is a wonderful, important website, thank you so much. My family were in 10 different DP camps over 6 years before immigrating to Australia in 1949. My family was in Delmenhorst between June 1948 and June 1949.
Here is a photo that shows my Ukrainian mother in a kindergarten photo at Delmenhorst. She is in front of the teacher on the left. A sign can clearly be seen in the background. I love the way that everyone is impeccably dresses and groomed despite their circumstances. Best regards, Karen Bijkersma karenbijkersma@hotmail.comDenklingen Hospital (British zone), mostly Poles
Dessau - in Buchenwald Kdo. Dessau was a transit camp,
Detmold camp for Lithuanians and Latvians (2 camps- A camp newspaper called the Lithuanian Union published Find / Search articles to 'find your relatives' so that the DPs would get help emigrating out of the camps.
State archives: Nordrhein-Westfälisches
Staatsarchiv Detmold
Willi-Hofmann-Str. 2
32756 Detmold
Tel: (49) 5231-766-110
Fax: (49) 5231-766-114
Email: andreas.ruppert@lav.nrw.de
Web: http://www.archive.nrw.de Dieberg UNRRA Team 722:
M. Miller
L. Boulon
A. Chalandre
N. Ferte
T. Korzybska
J. Cuneo
E. Stoven
Diepholz, #272, #2722,
Land Niedersachsen (British zone), Poles and Balts City archives: Stadt Diepholz, Stadtarchiv,
Rathausmarkt 1, 49356 Diepholz
Telefon: 05441/909-333
Telefax: 05441/909-252
E-Mail: falk.liebezeit@stadt-diepholz.de
10/13/04 Dear Olga,
I thank you for placing your website on the web. I have had some success checking up on my family history, in particular my grand parents and father when they arrived in Australia. However I have noticed something that I am having some dead ends on and was wondering whether you would be able to shed some light on it for me. On my birth certificate it says that my father was born in Deipholtz, Germany. I have not been able to locate the city in Germany anywhere, is it possible that the name of the city was spelt wrong ? What are you suggestions on how I can further my search? I thank you for your assistance and any advice that you could give me. Yours Faithfully Dannielle Davies- Wilkins (nee Tomasiewicz) Diestedde (British zone)
Dinkelsbuhl has its own page written by John Sklepkowycz who has passed away.
Dinkelsbuhl is one of Germany's most picturesque small towns, located in the kingdom of Bavaria, on the Wornitz, 16 m. N. from Nordlingen, on the railway to Dombuhl. Pop. 5000. It is an interesting medieval town, still surrounded by old walls and towers, and has an Evangelical and two Roman Catholic churches. Notable is the so-called Deutsches Haus, the ancestral home of the counts of DrechselDeufstetten, a fine specimen of the German renaissance style of wooden architecture. There are a Latin and industrial school, several benevolent institutions, and a monument to Christoph von Schmid (1768-1854), a writer of stories for the young. The inhabitants carry on the manufacture of brushes, gloves, stockings and gingerbread, and deal largely in cattle.
Fortified by the emperor Henry I., Dinkelsbuhl received in 1305 the same municipal rights as Ulm, and obtained in 1351 the position of a free imperial city, which it retained till 1802, when it passed to Bavaria. Its municipal code, the Dinkelsbuhler Recht, published in 1536, and revised in 1738, contained a very extensive collection of public and private laws.
DP camps in Dinkelsbuehl,
Bavaria1945 - 1949,
The following information provided by Ms. AB in Germany:
5 May 1945: In a report of Headquarters Military Government - US-Army on Displaced Persons (Kreis DINKELSBUEH) TOTAL 6081 persons of different nationalities were mentioned. So in a continued report on DPs in centers in Dinkelsbuehl and immediate vicinity, TOTAL 627 persons were registered.
The different places of the DP camps in Dinkelsbuehl: Hotels:
Deutsches Haus (German House)
Goldene Rose (Golden Rose)
Dinkelbauer (Spelt Farmer)
Brauner Hirsch (Brown Deer)
Kornschranne (Grain House)
• Former "Oberrealschule" (Secondary School) - Today Vocational School, Noerdlinger Strasse 22
• Former "Fliegerschule" (Flying School)
• Hats-Factory Peschel - Today City's Department for Elecricity, Rudolf-Schmidt-Strasse 7
Other housings:
• Bahnhofsrestauration - (Im Knabsaal), Luitpoldstrasse 19: Here were accommodated the Lithuanian DPs.
• Private house, former brush factory: Noerdlinger Strasse 52: Here lived the Ukrainian DPs.
April 22, 2007, Hi Olga
This day was the memorial day for the Jewish Dinkelsbuehl community up to
1938. It was a great day -
all people liked it a lot! Please see the plate for the house where the former synagoue
(Olga's note: Angelika passed away Feb 2013. She contributed a lot to the Jewish history in Dinkelsbuehl.)
Duisdorf camp - Mar 7, 2023,
Miss Olga, here is the story from my father Henryk Fiszer of Poland:
WW2 POW History in Germany: In September 1939 Henry became a POW in East Prussia and was taken to POW Camp Stalag XX B Riesenburg. From there he was sent as a laborer to a farm. His first assignment brought him to Herr Wilhelm Wiese's farm in the village of Laskowitz (between Marienverder, D. Eylan and Osterode).
In the spring of 1940 his POW group in the village was sent to Koln (Rheinland) and from there to Gummersdorf near Berkum, Bonn. There they were divided among farmers to work on the land. He was assigned to Herr Willhelm Gorres in Kurrighofen where he signed a document necessary to change his status from POW to Civilian Farm Worker. In December 1941, he was transferred to Werthofen (Pissenheim) and worked by Frau Schreiber.
Another transfer in June 1942 took him to the farm of Herr Heinrich Mertens, Schmitt str. 32 Bonn-Endenich. He was employed there until April 1945.
After the liberation by American forces, all civilian workers from the area were taken to DP Camp Duisdorf (next to Endenich) where they stayed a short time due to lack of space. Again they were transferred to a newly opened Camp in Dickhousen Oberbergisher Koeis (opposite Bonn on the east side of the Rhein River). From Dickhousen, Henry and his wife Anna (married in 1945) were moved to Bergisch Gladbach, then finally to DP Camp Brauweiler near Koln. In each of the DP Camps, Henry was employed as an Office Clerk and eventually in Brauweiller as Chief Clerk, also as a Polish-German translator. His work card # was 11206902. His civilian occupation before the was was as an Architectural Technologist.
Thank you! More to come! Anne Fisher Smith
Düsseldorf / Duesseldorf; has its own page. N. Rhine-Westphalia (British zone), mostly Poles
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